
[2018-04-24] Sentiment Index For Quamtum Analyzer
Sentiment Index For Quamtum Analyzer : Sentiment is people's experience of attitude toward the objective things, and the reflection whether people's needs are satisfied. Sentiment is divided into two kinds: positive sentiment and negative sentiment.
[2018-04-19] Functional Status Of Cranial Nerve And Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer
Functional Status Of Cranial Nerve And Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer : Cranial nerve system can be divided into three parts according to functions. The first part, which introduces the information out of the body to the brain, is called as the
[2018-04-09] Cerebral Arteriosclerosis Of Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer
Cerebral Arteriosclerosis Of quantum resonance magnetic analyzer : Due to atherosclerosis, a variety of arterial inflammation, trauma and local cerebral vascular diseases caused by other physical factors and blood diseases, the resistance of blood f
[2018-04-04] Status of Brain Tissue Blood Supply For Quantum Analyzer
Status of Brain Tissue Blood Supply For Quantum Analyzer : Cerebral microcirculation usually refers to the blood vessels with the diameter 150 (m, including small arteries, capillaries and small veins. However, the definition of the microcirculation
[2018-03-26] Blood urea nitrogen(BUN) Index And Proteinuria Index For Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer
Blood urea nitrogen(BUN) Index And Proteinuria Index For Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer Blood urea nitrogen(BUN) Index: Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) measures the amount of urea nitrogen, a waste product of protein metabolism, in the blood. Urea i
[2018-03-21] Urobilinogen Index And Uric acid Index Of Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer
Urobilinogen Index And Uric acid Index Of Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer Urobilinogen Index: Urobilinogen is a colourless product of bilirubin reduction. It is formed in the intestines by bacterial action. Some urobilinogen is reabsorbed, take
[2018-03-12] Pancreatic Function Of Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer
Pancreatic Function Of Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer : Insulin: It is a protein with smaller molecular weight. Its role in the body is very broad, and it mainly reduces blood sugar. Function: 1. For glucose metabolism, it promotes the liver
[2018-03-06] Liver Fat Content For Quantum Analyzer
Liver Fat Content For Quantum Analyzer : If the liver fat content is more than 5% of wet weight or over 1 / 3 liver cells of per unit area on liver biopsy have lipid droplets under a microscope, the liver is called as a fatty liver. The fatty liver
[2018-02-28] Detoxification Function And Bile Secretion Function In Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer
Detoxification Function And Bile Secretion Function In Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer Detoxification Function: Food will produce some toxins in the digestive process and the metabolism process. The liver as well as detoxifying enzymes carry ou
[2018-02-05] Protein Metabolism And Energy Production Function By Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer
Protein Metabolism And Energy Production Function By Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer : Protein Metabolism: Protein in food is digested and absorbed by the intestinal tract to be sent to the liver for conversion and reorganization, different typ