
[14-03-30] 39 report quantum resonance magnetic analyzer test report

Here is the details report of 39 report quantum resonance magnetic analyzer

Test report/Test items.

1. Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular       2. Gastrointestinal Function

3. Liver Function                           4. Gallbladder Function

5. Pancreatic Fucntion                      6. Kidney Function

7. Lung function                            8. Brain Nerve

9. Bone Disease                             10. bone Mineral Density

11. Rheumatoid                              12. Blood Sugar

13. Basic physical Quality                  14. Human Toxin  

15. Trace Element                           16. Prostate ( for male )       

17. Male Sexual Function ( for male)        18. Gynecology ( for female )

19. Skin                                    20. Endocrine System

21. Immune System                           22. Breast ( for female )                       

23. Vitamin                                 24. Amino Acid

25. bone growth                             26. Eye 

27. Heavy metal                             28. Allergy  

29. Coenzyme                                30. obesity                     


New add report:

A. Channels and collaterals                 B. Pulse of heart and brain

C. Blood lipids                             D. Sperm and semen

E. Menstrual cycle                          F. large intestine function                        

00. Element of Human

Comprehensive Report.


Four report for children age 1-10

1. Vitamins,                         2. amino acid,

3. coenzyme                          4. trace elements

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