
[17-12-04] Coronary Artery Elasticity And Coronary Perfusion Pressure With Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer

Coronary Artery Elasticity with Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer:

The source of power of life is the heart, and the blood nourishing the body constantly flows under her impetus. However, she also demands the nourishing of blood. Coronary artery, namely three blood vessels respectively located in the heart, can supply blood and oxygen to her. The coronary artery is the artery special for supplying blood to the heart. If cholesterol and other substances are accumulated in the blood vessels, the vascular cavity will be narrower or be blocked and the blood flow will be smooth and then be blocked to cause cardiac ischemia and a series of symptoms which are coronary heart disease, namely coronary atherosclerosis. Coronary heart disease is also called as coronary atherosclerotic heart disease. The excessive fat deposition results in atherosclerosis and weakened elasticity. The mortality of human on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases induced on the arterial vessel wall has exceeded 1 / 2 of the total mortality of population.

Dangerous factors making the elasticity of coronary artery weakened:

high blood fat, smoking, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, lack of physical activity, Psychological overstrain, family history of coronary heart disease, oral contraceptive, etc.


Coronary Perfusion Pressure with Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer:

the pressure of coronary artery of heart in blood supply is influenced by diastolic blood pressure and left atria pressure.

Part of myocardial ischemia, insufficient myocardial blood supply and entire myocardial ischemia can lead to myocardial infarction.

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